Friday Letters

Dear Weather – Thank you for the cold spirts! We have put our fire place to great use this week.  I would like to lay in the sun this weekend! High 70s with no wind and lots of sun sounds GREAT!
Dear Nails – you will be painted for the next few months ! I have to STOP biting you ! I refuse to have fake nails on !
Dear pups – I don’t know what’s wrong but you guys have to stop throwing up ! Especially  in the middle of the night … You have me a little concerned !
Dear Wedding – As of today we have 49 days to go ! I have been working on the seating arrangements and they can be a pain in the neck ! Aye yay yiii !
Dear seminole county Clerk of court – many thanks to you not being busy when we came to get our marriage license! You may want to add a policy for your employees to smile more often! Getting you marriage license is supposed to be fun and exciting ( at least to me ) , not dull, boring and annoyed like your employees act !
Dear Friday – Your here ! It was a fast week, no complaints … Just stay awhile!

Friday Letters

Dear Cold Weather – Welcome back! Its 30 something outside and I am enjoying it. I finally get to put my sweaters, scarfs, and boots to use.


Dear Salted Caramel Cupcakes – You were delicious but I had to resist from eating you . I have a figure to watch out for.


Dear Lady who waxed my eyebrows – Next time I come see you, please do not pull the strip off my face as slow as you can. Also, NEVER pick up and eye brow pencil and start coloring ones eye brow in. IT MAY FREAK THEM OUT !

Dear Sully-Your adorable. I could keep you mini size and you perfect for our family! 🙂


Happy Friday !




Friday Letters

Dear FRIDAY – Its been a long week and I am very glad you are here. Stay for awhile!

Dear Warm weather – I love you , but your too early. Your confusing all the plants and flowers causing EVERYTHING to bloom to early….making me miserable. {Sniffs}


Dear Tax season – Why hello! We meet again. Please be gentle and kind. Thats all. I. ask!

Dear Wedding-  We have NINETY ONE days , 14 hours, 38 minutes (…and counting) to go.

Dear Phone Upgrade: YOU ARE FINALLY HERE! I am really tired of using my broken iphone ( that i did not do , Karma i suppose). Bring it on Iphone5 … I already have a case for you!

